Green Tech Complex
Caesarea, Israel
Program: Office building
Client: The Caesarea Edmond Benjamin de Rothschild Foundation
Area: 15,000 sqm
Status: Competition 2008
Mivnim, oct 2009, p.20-22
The office complex in Caesarea Industrial Park consists of six buildings in a total area of 30,000 sqm.
In designing the project we implemented a sustainable strategy in the urban layout and in building architecture.
A green avenue is connecting the buildings welcoming pedestrian movement. An area of “wetlands”, carpet vegetation is used for the building’s gray water treatment. This is an innovative system which utilizes microorganisms gathered around the roots of the vegetation to purify the grey water.
The greater part of the avenue is shaded, offering favorable conditions outdoors all year round. Paved walkways cover a minimum area in order to facilitate rainwater absorption and drainage.
The north-south orientation of the buildings is meant to optimize energy consumption and air-conditioning in summer and winter and create comfortable interior spaces to work without stress or fatigue. The high insulation properties of the enveloping structure and shades on the south façade both minimize direct sunlight on the buildings. The rooftops are fitted with photo-voltaic solar panels.
Because modern life involves spending most of our time in office spaces, implementing these principles will raise public awareness and the need to adopt a more sustainable attitude of living and working in the city.