Dwelling in Time
Ashdod, Israel
Program: Sculpture
Client: Ashdod Municipality
Status: Competition Winners 2017
The “Dwelling in Time” sculpture addresses the impact that the “digital age”, along with its’ dramatic changes, has on our lives. It focuses on the “dwelling” changes in particular, while concentrating on the changes taking place within the family unit.
The sculpture offers varies “dwelling carrier units” that represent a flexible and inclusive system that is able to transform to meet the needs of the ever changing family unite while regarding their size and needs. The carriers are accompanied by “sails”, which create an additional dwelling envelope and simultaneously evoke the strong presence of the sea in the city of Ashdod.
The carries, that are similar to hammocks, are inhabited by different groups of people that represent the diverse types of family units in this day and age. The carriers adapt themselves to the changing number of users and to various activities that take place in modern family life.
The night lighting adds another dimension to the observer’s experience. The lighting is designed to illuminate the dwelling carriers from varies angles and programmed different timings. This dynamic dimension reinforces the temporariness of our current lifestyle and demonstrates the influence the digital age has on our ever changing concept of “dwelling”.
Size: 11X2.5X2.5 m
Materials: Galvanized steel bars, parabolic steel nets and laser cut metal sheets